Thank you for donating to the St. Josaphat Unity Gala auction!
Please provide information about your item below.
If you are able to generously donate Sports tickets, a Weekend at your Vacation Home or Timeshare, Restaurant or Private Tasting Events, Airline Tickets, etc. please indicate the date/time of the event, and also the location of the seats, if known. Also advise any blackout dates/restrictions or ticket date may be "Mutually Agreed Upon".
If your item is "priceless" or you don't know the value, put 0 in the Estimated Value $ field.
About the Item Itself
- If you have a physical item / gift certificate, please mail to or dropoff at:
St. Josaphat Parish
Attn: Unity Gala Committee
2311 N. Southport, Chicago, IL 60614
Contact Megan Milenkov at with general donation questions.
Please provide your contact information in the Notes field so the winner can coordinate with you after the Auction to pick up / arrange for the item.